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PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF LA LECHE Lovely Lady of La Leche, most loving Mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Mother, please listen to ourhumble prayer. Your heart knows our every wish, our every need. We trust, dear Mother, that you will shelter us beneath your protecting mantle, like what you did to your Son. Intercede to Him that we may have the courage and the strength to overcome whatever difficulty surrounds us. Give us the grace to be faithful to you always and may you be our shining inspiration now and forever. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us.
ACT OF PRAISE TO THE BLESSED MOTHER It is truly fitting, Mary, that we should honor you. For God chose to honor you by making you His mother. The prophets of old spoke of you with their fairest praises, the glory of Israel and of all womankind. The angel bowed in reverence as he addressed you who was chosen to be God’s Mother. And all generations have called you blessed. So joyfully, Mary, we praise you; We praise you in your purity, far more radiant than that of the brightest seraphim and cherubim. We praise you in your maternity, in which you were privileged to nourish your God and creator at your breast. We praise you in your virginity, which you kept so preciously together with your holy maternity. We praise you in the honor which through you has been given to holy motherhood throughout the ages. We praise you in the courage your pure and holy example has given to Christian mothers in a sinful world. We praise you, too, in your motherhood, which by God’s decree has made you our mother and us your children. Yes, always and at all times and in all places will we praise and honor and bless you, as it is proper to do, holy Mother of God, ever-blessed virgin, mother of fair love! Amen.
NOVENA IN HONOR OF OUR MOTHER OF MOTHERS Ant. Who is she that comes forth as beautiful as the rising dawn – as fair as the moon, as bright as the sun, as awe-inspiring as bannered troops arrayed !
I am the Mother of Fair Love, and of peace and of knowledge and of holy hope. Through me there is grace of the way and of truth; through me there is hope of life and of virtue. Come over to me, all you who desire my Son’s blessings, and be filled with His graces For His spirit is sweeter than honey, and His gifts a delight beyond measure. His memory is unto everlasting generations. They who receive of His graces shall hunger still; and they who drink of His wisdom shall thirst for more. One who listens shall not be confounded; and those who work according to my Son’s ways shall not sin. Those who shower Him with love shall have life everlasting. Ant. Who is She that comes forth as beautiful as the rising dawn – as fair as the moon, as bright as the sun, as awe-inspiring as bannered troops arrayed !
Let us pray: Most tender and loving Mother Mary, in union with you I adore the God of love and wisdom, whose tender mercies are manifest in you, his masterpiece of grace. And, while joyfully giving thanks for these mercies, I turn to you with confidence and love, begging you to join your powerful intercession to my poor prayers in order to obtain the blessings of motherhood that I seek. The responsibilities and needs of motherhood are great, and no mother knows this better than you. So confidently I look to you to obtain God’s abundant blessings on every phase of my motherhood, now and always. V Pray for us, holy Mother Mary R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray:Heavenly Father, you were pleased that by the message of an angel your Word should take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Grant that we who humbly pray to you, and who believe her to be truly the Mother of God, may be helped by the prayers she offers you on our behalf, through the same Jesus Christ, your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, throughout all ages. R/. Amen. V. Mother of Mothers, R/. Pray for us! LITANY OF OUR MOTHER OF MOTHERS
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us. God the Son, redeemer of the world God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, one God. Holy Mary Pray for us Chaste daughter of the Father Chaste spouse of the Holy spirit Chaste mother of the Son of God Vessel of election Throne of the divine Majesty Tabernacle of the Divine Word Chalice of the Divine Life Mother of God Mother of the infant Christ Consecration of womanhood Hope of Christian womanhood Model of Christian womanhood Blessed in your motherhood Inspiration of holy motherhood Consolation of motherhood Protector of motherhood Blessing of all Christian motherhood Exaltation of motherhood Sanctification of motherhood Queen of the most holy family Queen of chaste family life Queen of mothers Mother of mothers Mother of happy delivery Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world Spare us, Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world Graciously hear us, Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world Have mercy on us
Our Lady of Happy Delivery Pray for us who have recourse to you Let us pray: Cherished Virgin, heaven’s queen, chosen before all women to be the mother of the Son of God, Mary, my mother, who in your maternity so sanctified the state of holy motherhood, imploringly I come to you; humbly I beseech you; confidently I trust in you. I know that, by your powerful intercession, you can help me in my need. In you I take refuge, dear virgin. Poor and needy, I turn devoutly to you and place all confidently in your hands. Accept my humble trust, hear my petitions and come to my aid, dear Mother of mothers. V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord R/. Be it done unto me according to your Word !
PETITIONS TO MARY Mary, by your holy motherhood hear the prayer of a mother! You who clasped the infant Jesus tenderly in your arms, Protect my child. You who anxiously searched for the boy Christ in the temple, Be anxious about my concerns. You who experienced loneliness during the public life of your Son Teach me to bear my loneliness with a cheerful and courageous spirit. You whose heart was pierced with sorrow at the foot of the cross Obtain strength for me when troubles come. You who dwell in heavenly glory as mother of the Son of God and as queen of mothers, Help me to express love and joy in my life and be my secure protection and my hope. Amen.
MARY HELP ME Holy Queen, mother of mothers, consolation and protectress of all Christian motherhood Mother Mary, help me. In all the trials and sorrows that come into my day Dear Mary, help me. When I am tired with my labors and despondency is upon me When all looks dark and I find none to speak a consoling or cheering word When I am wearied by the weight of countless vexing little things and my patience is sorely tried In the impatience and rudeness of others, by the example of your mildness When others speak sharply to me and I would speak harshly in return, that I may show the gentleness of your own kindly speech When my efforts seem to bear so little fruit and to be so little appreciated and I am discouraged When a thousand worrisome distractions and annoyances come into my day and it seems so hard to keep my peace of heart When all others seem to fail and I turn to your gentle aid In all things, Mother, assist me. That I may, like you, with patience turn all my trials into spiritual treasures; That I may grow ever more like you, the cherished queen of the most holy family. MEMORARERemember, oh most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto you, dear Virgin of Virgins, my mother; to you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Oh Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me Amen.
NIHIL OBSTAT: (SGD) FR. SANNY C. DE CLARO Vice-Chancellor & Censor IMPRIMATUR: (SGD) MSGR. SOCRATES B. VILLEGAS Vicar General Manila , August 18, 2000